Eigenpoll : Best practices for spiritual wellbeing. 

This is an eigenpoll for best practices for spiritual wellbeing, which is part of a series of eigenpolls for physical, social, financial, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing.

Please add your best practice for spiritual wellbeing to the list and rank the options.

Your ranking!Introduction


  1. Check that all the options you know of is in the list of options, if not enter the missing option in the form at the bottom
  2. Then choose minimum 2 options you would like to rate in the check list below.
  3. Use the arrows to rank the selected options.
  4. Press "Update" to save your rankings and recalculated the scores.

Remember: To get the best possible result only compare options you have been using.
   Options  Score   Ranked by
Vipassana retreat-0.0040
Meditate Daily-0.0040
Breathe Fully -0.0040
I will begin each da-0.0040
An impressive share,-0.0040
provide every -0.0040
first figure -0.0040
who -0.0040
quotes -0.0040
some nightclubs -0.0040
sure -0.0040
insurance -0.0040
see -0.0040
could work -0.0040
only -0.0040
always wise -0.0040
expensive private <-0.0040
insurance policy -0.0040
even months -0.0040
guaranteed -0.0040
leg injury -0.0040
insurance -0.0040
quotes -0.0040
passes -0.0040
long hours -0.0040
insurance company <-0.0040
families -0.0040
company appreciates-0.0040
products -0.0040
could -0.0040
wrongfully damaged -0.0040
service phone -0.0040
assumed reinsurance-0.0040
before compounding -0.0040
non-standard -0.0040
go after -0.0040
own -0.0040
several bank -0.0040
competitive market -0.0040
ever wondered -0.0040
accident -0.0040
those insurance -0.0040
knew most -0.0040
prices fell -0.0040
first figure -0.0040
benefits -0.0040
find -0.0040
car condition -0.0040
established lifesty-0.0040
website linked -0.0040
cheaper auto -0.0040
vehicle -0.0040
greatest option -0.0040
mark -0.0040
sure -0.0040
child -0.0040
quote web -0.0040
home good -0.0040
courtesy car -0.0040
about life -0.0040
easily allows -0.0040
retirement -0.0040
company views -0.0040
premiums -0.0040
websites online -0.0040
near san -0.0040
influence -0.0040
companies -0.0040
even further -0.0040
turned -0.0040
coverage -0.0040
increase -0.0040
collision -0.0040
pressure method -0.0040
points -0.0040
stop -0.0040
drivers license -0.0040
greatest earthquake-0.0040
other fees -0.0040
women car -0.0040
safety -0.0040
likely -0.0040
zip -0.0040
predominantly occur-0.0040
theft devices -0.0040
such academic -0.0040
insurance -0.0040
highly -0.0040
daily rates -0.0040
established lifesty-0.0040
got -0.0040
expensive companies-0.0040
financial security -0.0040
present insurer -0.0040
updated information-0.0040
rate relatively -0.0040
sweeter -0.0040
holding liability <-0.0040
bought -0.0040
simply -0.0040
near san -0.0040
examine -0.0040
car value -0.0040
control -0.0040
insurance rates -0.0040
both sides -0.0040
insurance -0.0040
insurance -0.0040
its large -0.0040
expensive companies-0.0040
coverage than -0.0040
higher -0.0040
see -0.0040
tickets -0.0040
costly -0.0040
come down -0.0040
obtaining discounts-0.0040
signed -0.0040
them than -0.0040
nonetheless public -0.0040
street -0.0040
originated -0.0040
company product -0.0040
accident any -0.0040
unheard -0.0040
driver -0.0040
track -0.0040
preferably car -0.0040
marital status -0.0040
many -0.0040
consider -0.0040
auto accident -0.0040
larger -0.0040
car condition -0.0040
pay -0.0040
student record -0.0040
pay first -0.0040
printing -0.0040
beat patrol -0.0040
find -0.0040
insurance -0.0040
company -0.0040
child safety -0.0040
insurance product <-0.0040
useful tutorial -0.0040
current employees <-0.0040
various factors -0.0040
how often -0.0040
wrong attitude -0.0040
affordable solution-0.0040
settlements check <-0.0040
amount -0.0040
overall mileage -0.0040
regular -0.0040
damage due -0.0040
parent -0.0040
member -0.0040
payroll -0.0040
teenage boys -0.0040
refer -0.0040
those insurance -0.0040
car -0.0040
protect -0.0040

If you have an option which is not on the list, then you can enter it here.



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