Eigenpoll : Financial IQ Books 

This eigenpoll for comparing books which increase your financial IQ. Feel free to add missing books.

Your ranking!Introduction


  1. Check that all the options you know of is in the list of options, if not enter the missing option in the form at the bottom
  2. Then choose minimum 2 options you would like to rate in the check list below.
  3. Use the arrows to rank the selected options.
  4. Press "Update" to save your rankings and recalculated the scores.

Remember: To get the best possible result only compare options you have been using.
   Options  Score   Ranked by
Nothing Down0.4689
The Richest Man in Babylon0.4637
Think and Grow Rich0.44915
Multiple Streams of Income0.4442
Multiple Streams of Internet 0.4442
Secrets of the Millionair Mind0.4365
The One Minute Millionaire0.43113
Cashflow Quadrant0.437
The Science of Getting Rich0.4274
The Millionaire Next Door0.41311
Creating Wealth0.3934
Rich Dad, Poor Dad0.39115
The Millionaire Mind0.3882
Creating Money0.3331
Becoming your own banker0.3243
The Five Lessons0.3132
The Secret0.3121
The Future of Money0.2992
The Wealthy Barber0.2771
Four Laws of Debt Free 0.2141
Credit Millionaire0.0040
The Mentor0.0040
only investment guide you'll e0.0040

If you have an option which is not on the list, then you can enter it here.



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