Eigenpoll : Books on electromagnetisme 

This eigenpoll is for comparing books about electromagnetisme. Feel free to add missing books.

Your ranking!Introduction


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  2. Then choose minimum 2 options you would like to rate in the check list below.
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Remember: To get the best possible result only compare options you have been using.
   Options  Score   Ranked by
Electric Force of a Current0.513
Divine electromagnetism0.4639
Causality, Electromagnetic ...0.4634
Theory and calculations of ...0.4186
Collective Electrodynamics0.4045
Has the Last word been said ..0.3676
Newtonian electrodynamics0.3647
Advanced EM & Vacuum Physics0.3648
Quaternionic electrodynamics0.3584
Electrical papers Vol. I + II0.3466
Scalar waves0.3449
A treatise on electricity ...0.3348
Tensors for circuits0.3296
The classical theory of fields0.3146
Buy this books0.0040
Buy this books0.0040
Modified maxwell equations ..0.0040
Way of truth0.0041

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